Moore House, Millfields Road

This new build features a brand new block of luxury residential apartments in the heart of Clapton E5.

Project features:
Powder coated aluminium rain screen cladding.
In order to maximised the value for money a number of different techniques were employed on this job:
Bronze ‘anodised effect’‘ polyester powder coated aluminium.
Top floor: Through face fix system. This features rectangular unfolded sheets riveted into aluminium t section. This helping hand system allowed for the insulation to be fitted between the brackets. Over size holes were used to limit the deflection caused via thermal expansion.
Ground floor: Invisible fix hook on system. The additional folds bring strength to the panels. The panels were also rolled to follow the architecture of the building on both ground and 3rd floor levels. On the ground floor there is a secondary powder coating colour added. This was an upgrade on the original perforated design. The benefits are that with a solid panel no secondary panel or risk of litter or entrapment is caused.

Project features:
Scope: 200 sq. m polyester powder coated aluminium rain screen cladding.
Client: Northill Properties Ltd
Lead Contractor: West 4 Construction LTD
Architect: City Architecture Office
Cost Consultancy: Thomas Consult Ltd